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Donate to The Fingerprint Project 

Help us bring mental health resources to America's youth by making a donation today!

Your donation will be used to develop curriculums and build resources to spread across the country.

Our goal is to create a sustainable difference in the school systems of The United States. We know teachers and parents already have a lot on their plate. In order to make helpful conversations about mental health easier and more frequent in the classroom, The Fingerprint Project is developing a resource pack and detailed curriculum. We want to make sure your student will have someone to reach out to in the case of a crisis.

The Fingerprint Project also wants to make sure homeschooled children and Pre-K children are included as well. We are making resource packs for kids of all ages and doing this in age-appropriate ways. 

It's important that students, teachers, and parents alike are all well informed on how to help someone in crisis and how to keep a healthy conversation about mental health open consistently.

Your money will help us with research, costs of materials, and general upkeep. We look forward to your contribution!

An orange clipart sillouette depicting a piggybank with a coin being dropped in
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